
Showing posts with the label hallucinations

Mental Health and Schizophrenia

Mental Health and Schizophrenia Schizophrenia has plagued our systems for many years. Today, mental health experts are finding more cases of schizophrenia than they counted in the past. Schizophrenia is nothing to play with, and anyone ignoring this diagnose is only throwing fuel to the fire. Schizophrenia has several levels of diagnostic symptoms, yet anyone with schizophrenia should be treated  IMMEDIATELY . If you know anyone with symptoms including  paranoid ,  paranoia ,  hallucinations ,  voices , and so on, call 911 right  NOW ! Do not wait, since the more schizophrenia develops the more in others, including the patient are at risk of dangers. I am a survival of a son/daughter that suffered Paranoid Schizophrenia, and anyone around these people are subject to danger, pain, suffering, misery, and more. Not only does this type of patient suffer, anyone around them will undergo tremendous pain and suffering. Common words that schizophrenia’s relate...