A Parent's Guide to Discipling a Child with ADHD

A Parent’s Guide to Disciplining a Child with ADHD

Positive parenting has helped many families to achieve greater harmony, and this approach may be especially important for parents raising a child with ADHD.

A recent study confirms that cutting back on yelling and spanking can lead to biological changes that makes it easier for a child to regulate their emotions and behaviors. Severe or prolonged punishments can provoke depression, aggression, or runaway. Punishment create "escape" behavior such as telling lies, or hiding behaviors.

Researchers at Ohio State University studied family relations among preschool children with ADHD and their parents. They found that parents who received as little as 10 to 20 weeks of coaching showed significant improvement in positive parenting skills.

A harsh interactions decreased, their children demonstrated less abnormal heart activity and greater impulse control.

ADHD is challenging, but you can learn to discipline more effectively. Consider these ideas that will help you to create a calmer and happier home life for you and your child.

Encouraging Positive Behavior

Prevention is more effective than discipline: Create conditions that make it easier for your child to use their strengths and follow house rules.

  1. Understand ADHD. Your child may be highly creative and energetic. On the other hand, they probably struggle with some things like listening attentively and planning ahead.
  2. Enjoy one-on-one time. Your child is less likely to act out if they feel secure and loved. Try to arrange at least one-half hour a day when you do something pleasant together. It could be your bedtime rituals or chatting and playing ball after school.
  3. Offer rewards. Give your child an extra incentive to comply with your expectations. Offer praise or small gifts when they complete their homework and cooperate with their siblings. If they have trouble waiting a week or more to get their prized, let them earn points throughout the day.
  4. Be specific. Make it easier for your child to do what you want by spelling out each step involved. Instead of asking them to clean their room, ask them to pick up their toys up of the floor and put their clothes in a laundry hamper.
Use visuals and sounds. Many children with ADHD understand images and sounds better than words. Clarify your instructions with other cues. Set a timer that will buzz when homework time is up. Hang a poster in the bathroom with pictures of child brushing their teeth with putting on pajamas.

Maintain Effective Discipline:

  1. Focus on learning. Discipline means training rather than punishment. When a child slips up, show them what they need to do in order to succeed the next time.
  2. Limit time outs. Sitting completely still may be overwhelming for some children with ADHD. If you use time outs, keep the brief, and consider giving credit if they manage to keep their mouths close.
  3. Establish priorities. Trying to resolve too many issues at once can backfire. Deal with one subject at a time. Give your child a chance to fix a solution before you tackle the next.
  4. Stay calm. Children with ADHD may be even more sensitive than the average child when it comes to being influenced by a parent's mood. If you remain calm even when your child hits a classmate or keeps losing their glasses; you'll be in a better position to work together towards lasting solutions.
Parenting a child with ADHD is similar to parenting any child, but it usually requires more effort and patience. You an your child can have a loving relationship if you believe in their abilities and understand their needs. Stay positive and reach out for the support you need.


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