
Top Story About Cognitive Mental Disorder

Do you feel like your drowning? Cognitive Mental Health Disorders Therapists around the globe are constantly searching for answers that help them understand mental illnesses. Cognitive disorders including, dementia, delirium, alcohol-induced disorders, and other related disorders are under constant studies. Most cognitive disorders listed in this article have classic denominators, including loss of memory. Most of the diagnoses are linked to disease of the brain or biological disease, or else alcoholism and related chemicals. Often people with cognitive disorders have difficulty with speech, including relating with others, and reasoning. Their judgment is often affected, and their ability to recognize is often comprehended differently than the normal mind. Often the patients suffer depression, irritation, paranoia, and other related symptoms that could easily be misdiagnosed, since bipolar has similar characteristic symptoms. Delirium includes symptoms that target the awa...

Will Diagnosis Ever Rule the World?

Mental Illnesses and Diagnosis What is diagnosis? Many people dispute mental illnesses claiming that mental illnesses do not exist. Counselors are often diagnosing individuals every single day, and to understand the symptoms and diagnosis you must understand the underlying and overlying controversies that fall far and in between. Mental health is essential for everyday life. There are many signs that illustrate mental illness and often people disregard these symptoms as a misconstrued level of understanding on the patients part. The fact is, when a person has a common denominator he or she often thinks clearly without interruptions, but when a person is in constant interruption there is probably a problem existing. Medical and mental go hand in hand and this is where doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, and many others are often confused. The underlying problems lay somewhere between belief, tradition, miscommunication and so forth. If you are treating a person beli...

Mental Health and Schizophrenia

Mental Health and Schizophrenia Schizophrenia has plagued our systems for many years. Today, mental health experts are finding more cases of schizophrenia than they counted in the past. Schizophrenia is nothing to play with, and anyone ignoring this diagnose is only throwing fuel to the fire. Schizophrenia has several levels of diagnostic symptoms, yet anyone with schizophrenia should be treated  IMMEDIATELY . If you know anyone with symptoms including  paranoid ,  paranoia ,  hallucinations ,  voices , and so on, call 911 right  NOW ! Do not wait, since the more schizophrenia develops the more in others, including the patient are at risk of dangers. I am a survival of a son/daughter that suffered Paranoid Schizophrenia, and anyone around these people are subject to danger, pain, suffering, misery, and more. Not only does this type of patient suffer, anyone around them will undergo tremendous pain and suffering. Common words that schizophrenia’s relate...
Mental health statistics: family and parenting Starting a family is a milestone in many people's lives. It can also be a stressful time and many parents experience mental ill health. Mental ill health of parents can have a negative impact on the development of their children. But this is not always the case. Approximately 68% of women and 57% of men with mental health problems are parents. 1 The most common mental health problems experienced during pregnancy and after birth are anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 2 Women experiencing maternal mental health problems: 3 Postpartum psychosis: 2 per 1,000 Serious mental ill health: 2 per 1,000 Severe depressive illness: 30 per 1,000 Mild-moderate depressive illness and anxiety states: 100-150 per 1,000 PTSD: 30 per 1,000 Adjustment disorders and distress: 150-300 per 1,000. The effect of poor parental mental health on children Poor maternal and paternal mental health has been associa...
Depression and Learning Disabilities Depression and learning disabilities are often misunderstood. Learning disabilities and depression are common mental illnesses that affected millions everyday. Studies has shown that children suffering with learning disabilities have complexity learning to speak fluently, take care of their health and bodies, and often suffer with the inability to cope with stress and the common pressures of everyday living. Many of the patients that suffer depression and learning disabilities are claimed to be borderline intellectual disable. Depression is related to emotional scarring, childhood traumas, chemical imbalances, insufficient nutrition’s, and other factors, so therefore it makes sense that it is believed a form of intellectual disability. Learning disabilities are often stemmed from lack of education, positive influences, and miscommunications. Often people that suffer from depression and learning disabilities are overwhelmed, and this too crea...
Mental Health Guide Part 1 Auditory Processing Hyperactive Disorder ADHD Auditory Processing Hyperactive Disorder is known as Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, better known as ADHD. Auditory Processing Hyperactive Disorder is a product of intricacy in processing and making sense of the auditory stimuli in the nonattendance of tangential hearing deficiency, coupled with Attention Deficit/Hypertension Disorder (ADHD). Auditory Processing Hyperactive Disorder is widespread with children and teenagers, rather than adults. However, the Auditory Processing Hyperactive Disorder has no narrow-mindedness and more adults are diagnosed at present. Warning signs of Auditory Processing Hyperactive Disorder comprises of incapacity to use common sense. Habitually the patient verbalizes without care of hurting other individuals, and constantly these people feel of great sense of boredom; however, thrilling tasks may be managed without further complications occurring. The many th...

A Parent's Guide to Discipling a Child with ADHD

A Parent’s Guide to Disciplining a Child with ADHD Positive parenting has helped many families to achieve greater harmony, and this approach may be especially important for parents raising a child with ADHD. A recent study confirms that cutting back on yelling and spanking can lead to biological changes that makes it easier for a child to regulate their emotions and behaviors. Severe or prolonged punishments can provoke depression, aggression, or runaway. Punishment create "escape" behavior such as telling lies, or hiding behaviors. Researchers at Ohio State University studied family relations among preschool children with ADHD and their parents. They found that parents who received as little as 10 to 20 weeks of coaching showed significant improvement in positive parenting skills. A harsh interactions decreased, their children demonstrated less abnormal heart activity and greater impulse control. ADHD is challenging, but y...